I have a dog with a smushed in nose.....(yes he was born that way).... and when I take him for a walk he has tendency to make all sorts of snorting noises...(he's soo embarrassing, lol)....But I'm getting a little tired of people coming up to me and commenting about it....."He sounds like he's out of breath" (no he just breaths that way!)..."Does he have a cold?" (no he just breaths that way!)....."How OLD is HE?" (only 5)......"What's the matter with HIM?" (nothing)....."You should give him some water" (and you should shut the fuck up!).... Oh well...i guess he's just that type of pup only a mother could love......! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!
lol. Is that why that guy asked me what I was doing with you the other day????
*lol* poor puppy... maybe though, puppy likes the attention... maybe i should try puppie's trick! *lol* sorry it's monday... im wierd! ~M
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