Just because I post five things that I'm grateful for everyday doesn't mean that I'm always happy...As a matter of fact...in case you ask, I'm in a really rotten mood these days. I guess it's the winter blues....My friend reminded me just the other day that I get like this every year. She just pissed me off. Speaking of which, it seems that everything is pissing me off. I hate the cold weather (not really) ...I hate getting up real early....(but grateful that I can get up).....Ya see how my brain works...for every complaint I have a counter good thought...and that really pisses me off too. Oh just be glad you're not in my brain! I don't feel like blogging and I do it anyway. I don't feel like exercising...but I'm going to do it anyway (soon)...I don't feel like working...but do it anyway.....so you see, I'm anti-me right now...don't pay me no mind.... So there and...
Gratitude List:
1)Being able to speak my mind
2)Dog coats
3)A house with heat (some have none) (see, there I go again, anti me).
4) Body cream
5) Euclyptus oil
Gratitude List:
1)Being able to speak my mind
2)Dog coats
3)A house with heat (some have none) (see, there I go again, anti me).
4) Body cream
5) Euclyptus oil
Awwww, that picture is so pathetic. Hugs to you chicklet. I will share my daily mantra:
It will be better tomorrow.
So lets make that long overdue date to get together. No better time than the present!
And HURRY!!! Before the winter blues start setting in with ME! Then we're in trouble!
put it this way you always tend to look for a bright side.
Odat, Sorry you're feeling anti-you. Just 3 weeks ago you were telling me how you were still enjoying 70 degree temps. Great little dog though. Have a great day.
Hang in there my friend...Hugs And Cheers!!
I would leave a comment, but I don't want to risk pissing my blog buddy off.
sit under a lamp honey...
smiles, bee
Hugs heal all odat, or did you forget, here i have a big electronic hug.....................................................
Hey at least your not that poor crazy astronaut lady, or her husband, or her kids.
Feel better?
Awww...here's a great big bear hug from a big bear of a guy.
And when he lets you go, here's one from me too. :) **hugs**
Cheer up, kiddo. Sometimes life sucks. Acknowledge and move on. Nothing stays the same, and bad patches turn into good ones sooner or later.
Hugs from SF, too.
hang in there...and get some chocolate in the meantime!! I lllloooove that picture!!
Poeple think I'm peptually miserable and get scared when I wear colour, I'll swap your for a week, it will freak them al out ha ha ha ha
Exactly... what you said! ~M all the best...
I know what you mean.
I just want to make a little cocoon and stay inside for a month or two.
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