I knew what I meant when I said it. I resented being asked again, that confused looked on his face. All I wanted was a glass of ice. Why was he looking at me that way? I told him twice now, the second time a little louder. What was so hard about getting ice?
Turns out that what I really said, was "Get me a cup of glass".......
Yes, it sounds funny and I'm laughing about it...but on the other hand it really scarred me.
You know why. Every time I forget something or say a silly word in place of another, I think ..ok...I'm getting it....It just scares me because of my Mom with her Alzheimers. I can't help it.
We all say things like that once in a while, Odat. I can't remember stuff lots of times because I'm multi-tasking and I'm sure you are, too.
How about relaxing with a coff of cuppee?
I've said that - kinda funny.
A joke for odat: One buddy asks another "Have you ever had a Freudian Slip?" "What's that?", he asks. "It's where you want to say one thing, but you say something else" he answered. "Yeah! I did this morning!" "I wanted to say to my wife, Please pass the sugar, but what I said was You lousy bitch, you've ruined my whole life".....:)
I do that all the time!
I once told my hubby to put the potato salad in the garage... yep, he did what I needed to be done... put the laundry in the dryer!
That happens a lot with me. I don't think it's Alzheimers... I think it's just inappropriate retrieval cues in the brain...
Hugs, Odat!
Happens to me all the time. Always has from early talking years up until this moment very.
Buffalodickdy has a good point! I do that a couple times a day. Writing comments I often miss typing a word that I thought for sure I had types...whoops I mean TYPED see I did it again. Have a good day Odat :D
oh i hate when i do that. mom had dementia and i always think the same as you. not fun... i guess we all do it sometimes though.
smiles, bee
Odat take some deep breaths darlin' ! :-)
Smile, have a great day, peace
I have had the same notion from time to time. What can ya do? Be well and Cheers!!
Patti, lol, that is funny..I think I'll say that from now on...
Buffalo, ahahahhaahahahaha...I just spit my coff of cuppee all over the screen!
lois, that makes me better...I think.
Rogerdodger, You're just trying to make me feel better.....I know you...
bee, Yeah I hate the thought!
Paul, lol, stop that!
Sarge, I'm smiling!!!! :-)
Matt-man, I suppose there's really nothing you can do and if you can, you'd probably forget it anyway..hehe.
Just today I attended a talk by a conservationist biologist and he was talking about roosting herons but his slide was labelled "Roasting Herons". A Freudian slip? I hope not!
Oh, then later there was a slide of a plant called Xylocarpus but the typo on the slide read Xylocrapus.
LGS, Roasted herons taste like crap! ;-)
I say this kinda stuff all the time...ALL the time...
Reminds me of the time the marketing woman interviewed me for a job and asked me if I'd like anything to drink.
"Yeah, get me a vagina of pussy--"
I wouldn't read too much into it. Of course you're a child of the sixties, you're just having flashbacks.
Katherine, hmmm, that me feel good?
M@...and I need to know this because?????
Jeff, yeah that's it!!!
We all have those flash backs!
shame hunny its okay I have no history of mental illnes in my family and I once crapped all over stiffla for loosing the screwdriver (problem is the damn thing was in my hand and I was using it to wave my frustration at him)
see we all do crappy stuff
It would scare the crap out of me too. But I think you just have so much on your mind that sometimes that happens and it isn't a sign of anything other than being mega busy.
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