Christmas is coming and I've got to hurry
and finish my shopping and avoid the flurry,
of last minute shoppers.
I finally got into the spirit this weekend.....(not the spirits, mind you, but the Christmas spirit. I was even listening to Christmas music all weekend. I hope this mood stays with me. I have a tendency to get a little depressed over the holidays. But I'm going to keep smiling and singing, (like Mom ;-) and put one foot in front of the other and keep on trucking!!! I have a few more presents to get.
Have a wonderful week, in spite of it all!
I made good headway on my Christmas shopping- I looked at the ads in the Sunday Press.....
I got into the spirit this weekend too.
I bought a cookie-making kit to attempt cookies and we even bought and installed three little lit trees in the front yard. They are on stakes, Kid Two just pushed them into the ground.
Woo hoo!
x-mas spirit go's quikly for me...especially the shopping...Cause I hate shopping so I do it in a hour flat for every one i know:)
I almost never get into the season. Even with kids, it's just not my thing.
But the monkey with the santa hat helps. :)
I myself can find my way into yuletide doubts this time of year. I hope you are able to retain and pass on the spirit of Christmas.
oboy! i hope you got mine this weekend! ha ha ha
smiles, bee
I with ya on that Odat I have to finish up to!
Keep the spirit Odat and enjoy your week. Cheers!!
happy monkey monday miss odat, I got to get busy on this christmas stuff.
It's hard, Odat. Totally understand. Happy Monkey Monday to you, tooand we'll keep smiling and singing even if there are a few moments that are depressed. It's a balance of sorts, I think, a see-saw...
buffalo, And when exactly are you thinking of buying anything????? lol.
patti, cookies????? where?????
me want some!
will, an hour???? do you buy everyone the same thing???
ian, yeah...well...I'm glad my monkey put a smile on your face today...(wait, that didn't sound right ;O
christy, I'm trying!
bee, do you like red hoodies???
roger, hurry up!!!
matt-man...so far, so good...
sarge, you too...hurry up!!! time's awasting here...lol
annie, thanks so much for your kind words....balancing here...lol
Happy Monday, Sweets! Keep the mood and enjoy the season!
Odat, keep your chin up and, you're right, keep putting one foot in front of the other...soon it will become automatic!
Come visit me at Work of the Poet
Deb has a post up too even though she's on vacation: Deb's blog
Me too, Odat!
I hope to get into both spirits and spirit go hand in hand :)
Christmas music is enough to drive me batshit-crazy. I can only handle it on two days: Christmas Eve and Christmas. That's it.
You do inspire, Odat. I'm not there yet.
I hope it stays with you.
Happy Day,
p.s. are you sure that's a real monkey?
When I start enjoying the Christmas music again then I know I've arrived. Kepp on truckin'.
I am in the Christmas spirit all year round its the spirits I need
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