The winter blues are sweeping over me,
An invisible web of incarceration
Waiting to break free into the sunlight.
I get this way every year, I believe I suffer from S.A.D. , seasonal affective disorder, the lack of sunlight in the days. I know it's getting lighter each day now and I have hope!!! Yes, I'll wake up and the sun will soon be out when I walk my lil snot dog! Smiles will return to my face upon waking up! I will sing again in the shower! I'll dance my way to work! Oh, I just can't wait. You do believe me, don't you?
Know what you mean. Even with an incredible warm front that melted all the snow, I'm still not in a good mood. Feb. is the longest month of the year, even though it's the shortest!
You need to get out
And spread your wing s !
Odat I am so with that!
I'm not sure if I mentioned the full spectrum light bulbs to you or not.
They work wonders. www.comforthouse.com/lig.html
Between the shower singing and the dancing off to work, you might wanna get dressed. Cheers!!
Me too! I'm so tired of these dreary days. I need some sunshine!
Meet me in Florida!
Buffalo, and it's Leap Year so it's going to be longer!!! lol
paul, ok, I'll go fly tonite!
Roger, we all know you have cabin fever, I mean, the conception of Mary gave that away! ;-)
Hammer, As a matter of fact I actually have a "happy lamp" and those bulbs....I get the bulbs at the Vitamin Shoppe....my co-workers call me "happy"...(NOT).
Matt-man, but why??
Real, ok, where in Florida? How about Mexico?
Oh, that's a great idea Odat! Take a little jaunt south of the border! I bet someone would watch the little snotnosed dog.
It's just now starting to get a little more light everyday here. While it is bright during the day, 7 hours really doesn't cut it.
I hope you are feeling better. B-12 shot? Myer's maybe?
Sorry to hear that, cant be much fun.
And of course i believe you!!!!
After you dance off to work, you can whistle while you work, just like my friends the Seven Dwarfs.
They are my friends, you know.
come and visit me odat!!! it is sunny here now and warm and lovely...
smiles, bee
I understand your pain sister.
Portland has had 14 inches of rain in the past two months.
And I'll give you one guess what it's doing outside my window right now.
I so understand that, Odat...
Of course I believe you ! S.A.D. is very real for some people ! The sun will be back soon :)
What colors are the inside of your house painted ? Are they cheery and open and light to you, and warm and welcome in the evenings ? Would that help ?
At least we have a couple sunny warmer days. And the days are getting longer. Yeah.
easy, move to Florida, no winter blues
What!? W the hot front currently blasting warm air up the East coast?
If you think this is cold. Try Albany, winter of '48. Then you tell ME about cold.
Please oh please teach me how to sing on the way to work. I can't for the life of me imagine what THAT must feel like!
i don't know that i have sad i just think my body likes sleeping up to 18 hours a day~!!
Yep - hate the gloomy gray days!
I think I have S.A.D. too. I really hate the short days. It makes me feel like something is wrong... It's very depressing. I love the long days of summer. I think the days get longer by one minute each day. Yay!
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