I've been cleaning and cleaning and cleaning the house...just dumping "stuff". I came across a hat my hub had. I think he wore it when he used to hunt. It's one of those that have fluffy ear flaps that can be tied up or worn down to keep ya warm. Memories came flooding back which made me cry and also cracked me up (yes, that's how it's been for me.....laughing, crying...yada yada).
I used to take public transportation into NYC (which I stopped doing because it took two hours to go 26 miles!). Anyhow, hub used to pick me up at the train station after work. One day, during a very cold winter, I got off the train (and I pride myself in looking nice. I have nice clothes and think I look pretty cool, if I must say so myself). Anyhoo, there he was, standing by the car, with that hat on! with the ear flaps down, calling out in a pretty good redneck accent and loud too: "HEY ETHEL, IS THAT YOU ETHEL???? I brought the rig to pick ya up!!!!" (my name is not Ethel, btw). The other commuters were giving him looks as if he were an alien! I walked right by him as if i didn't know him!
But since that day, we had a lot of laughs over it. So every time I see that hat, I think of that day and smile. (and today I cried too.)
At times like these crying and laughing go hand in hand. Have a good Sunday Odat. Cheers!!
Cherish those good memories Odat even through the tears ! God bless !! :-)
A pretty neat memory to keep...
I laughed and cried when I read your memory as well... Hub sounds like my Hank. I'm glad you had good memories of Hub. Helps with the mourning process.
I am glad that you are able to enjoy those memories. They are precious. By the way, I used to have one of those hats too. love it. Very practical and totally unfashionable!
What a great story Odat! Bittersweet memories...
what a wonderful story! I laughed and cried too. I'm from NY and took the subway for more years than I care to count - I could really see the scene - NY commuters, especially at night, are not known for their sense of humor - the day has just been too long.
my son used to call those hats "Bambi hats" - we never really figured out the connection but cute doesn't need to make sense.
More hugs today Odat
What a lovely memory - even if it did make you cry.x
Hurray for smiles and tears. He sounds like such a blessing. I'm glad he lives so brightly in your memories!
I just found out about your husband's passing. My heart is with you.
Laughter and tears are good signs of coping.
My love is with you, even from afar.
Always keep the hat. It will remind you when you need it.
BTW, my spelling sucks. You can "REPOST" the MAG if you if you wish.
Big love, little sis.
That's a great memory. Yes, always cherish that hat!
And I know your real name is Edna
What a great story chicklet. I love it.
Odat: I'm so sorry for your loss, and sorry I haven't been here before now. That was a great story. Much Love.
"HEY ETHEL, IS THAT YOU ETHEL???? Since I added this to your comment yesterday, you know I had to repeat it again today. Memories are great, I just finished a not so cheerful post called "Reflections of a lifetime" you will be able to relate. I am so proud that we have become cyber friends, it is great to lean on each other when we are sad.
Nice reflection Odat :D
Memories are timeless.. so are friendships...
I'm so glad to call you my friend Ethel. ;p
he sounds like he was a riot...
It sounds like you are doing some emotional sorting as well as physical. Laughing and crying seems to me ot be a pretty reasonable place to be.
Please journal all your memories. You won't remember them all forever. that was a special one Odat....start today.
This story made me laugh and then cry a little, too.
He sounds like an absolute delight of a man who adored you so much.
That hat is a real treasure.
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