See what happens when you place a bird feeder on your back porch? Unexpected visitors show up!!! These pics are from the brother of a friend of mine who lives in East Springfield Mass.
No one was hurt in the shooting of these pics. Oh wait...what's that laying in the woods??? Kidding!!!!

What's wrong with this bear! Doesn't he know that bird feeders are there to feed squirrels!
Bear is thinking "What idiot put this bait pile up so high?"
This is exactly why we do not feed any animal in Podunk.
Holy crap, that's a bear!
Cute fellow that's good to admire from afar. :-)
He's cute, but not wanted in MY in Podunk/Mayberry!
My railing is so good a bear can stand on it! I would tell everybody that!! :D
Ha. That second picture is cool. Cheers Odat!!
Odat that bear resembles my ex-wife! LOL
Where's a Park Ranger when you need one? Thank you, Odat!
Hey Boo Boo I think I smell some food up on that pile o' wood over there.
Good grief a bear on the porch?? And I think I have trouble with cats and squirrels!
well now miss new yawker, a fresh monday to you
Yikes, this is a bit too close for me. Bears need to be way back in them there woods. Just saying. Have a great day Odat. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
You should see what the bears do to the feeders here in Colorado. It's terrifying - just terrifying.
Holy Crackers!
I think the feeders need to be further away from the house.
aack, and I thought finding a snake in my front yard was scary! Holy bejeebus, thats a BEAR!
He's smarter than the average bear, for sure.
Happy Monday, Odat!
It looks as if this intrepid bruin is 'bearly' sneaking in.
Now, if it were a monkey, I would be laughing my monkey butt off!!
No way! I can't imagine! i think I would be really scared!
I do believe that would freak me out a bit. You know, having an escaped circus bear doing his balancing tricks on my porch while eating my birdseed. Mostly because the clowns might come looking for him. And clowns scare me.
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