Claudia, my silly and talented friend from California, actually she's from Florida but is attending school in California, ok, ok, I'll get to the point....sent me the monkey alarm clock you see here!!!!!!
She is just so cool. Imagine, someone seeing monkeys and thinking of you! It brings a tear to my eye.
Isn't it great???? When the alarm goes off, it screeches like a monkey...., that surely would get me out of bed so fast so I could through it against the wall! Good thing I'm retired. Anyway, I really did think it was the greatest and I want to thank her for thinking of me. Go visit her and say hey, she's so cool, she snows.

My second monkey display comes to you via Roger, of Idaho Daily Photos. I got this shirt from his Cafe Express site. He designed the picture!!! Yes I wore this shirt out and was thinking if anyone ever asks what the heck this means, it would be rather difficult to 'splain to them about Monkey Mondays...doncha think?
So there ya have it....Monkeys I possess from two people that are good friends. It just amazes me, this blogosphere thing...to meet so many sweet people who make me smile. ;-) Thank you!
Peace and hugs
Odat I miss you !! Let's boogie !
Tee shirt cute, monkey alarm clock wrong at many levels! But if you're happy, I'm happy!
I cannot imagine coming from a deep sleep to screeches from a monkey, even on monday.
Ha! I love that Clock, of course I would have to set it way across the room with many trip elements in front of it.
That shirt is just good conversation Odat! Thanks for posting it, my sweet friend!! :D
You are Monkey-licious. Cheers Odat!!
bloggers are the best odat! they really are... now i have something to say. every day when i am here typing a message to you i have to look at that girl's butt and i am getting a little (sick to death of it) tired of seeing it there. could you maybe move it "down the row" a little? ha ha ha
smiles, bee
How cool. I don't know Claudia, but Roger is very near and dear to me. Love the clock and the T-Shirt. Have a great day Odat. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
What great gifts! Love the clock. :)
It is always nice to be thought of fondly.
There certainly are some brill bloggers out there!! :)
Oh wow... two very cool Monkey Monday items... That alarm clock is funny. Who couldn't help but smile looking at that sweet face!
you should come to california and visit your friend...smile
the clock is cool, Odat, but I wouldn't want to hear it screeching at any time of day!
You're right about bloggers. There are some really nice people in the blogosphere.
Too cute, but the screeching would have to go!
Bee, I agree about moving the 'bottom' down to the bottom. I always want to reach over and get those panties out of her southern cleavage!...xoxoxo
I love that people love you! :) Hurray for celebrating Odat - and that you are celebrating your celebrators.
Some monkeys are kind of hot, sometimes.
LOL!! I'm so glad you like it!!
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