Remember I posted about my sprained ankle a few times within the last two years or so? I fell down and went boom..bout three or four times...cause I'm such a klutz......(i don't drink, so that's not it). Anyhoo.....last Friday the contractor finished installing a side door on my house and called me out to look at it. I have a little side stoop with three steps going off to the right. I stepped outside and squeezed around him to view the door and next thing I know i'm tilting over, head first down the steps! Yeah yeah....funny huh? (actually it was, now that I think about it). If he just hadn't cut up the cardboard box and placed it at the bottom of the stairway, my head would have been cracked open, I'm sure of it......but the cardboard cushioned the fall and there I was, lying upside down on the steps! I did a number on my ankle (again).....damn.....and my head hurt a lil...but it seems to be ok now....unless of course I don't know it's not ok and this all sounds like gibberish and i really think i'm typing a post....Am I? ??
Sounds like someone is looking after you... another near miss...
Darling, please be careful. I know more easier said than done...
Hugs, glad to see you back. Miss you.
We'll have to chip in and get you a "Help! I've fallen and I can't up!" Life Alert buzzer...
in the twilight books Bella is a klutz...my daughter calls me Bella whenever I do a trip and stumble.
never gone head first down a flight of stairs though.
Oh Odat, you poor thing ! That hurts so bad ! And swollen - ugh. Are you still icing it a lot and keeping it elevated ? stay off it as much as psssible, okay ? Let someone else do the cooking and the dishes for Thanksgiving - you shouldn't put any weight on it.
I did a number on my left ankle early this year. It took forever to heal. Hurt like the dickens.
Get better honey. I so know the klutz thing. I'm one of them too.
Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
Oh, poor baby. I am an accomplished klutz, too, so you have my utter sympathy.
Your typing is fine. You're not doing it with your toes, are you?
Oh crikey, not again! Good to hear you didn't hurt yourself too badly m'dear. x
Ooh, I'm so sorry. I'm glad you weren't seriously injured but good grief, I hpoe you are able to start staying upright!
Lois, I know someone watches me.....I've got too much to do ....lol.
Buff, Not funny..
Katherine....ok...I'll be Bella too....lol
Loving Annie....Yes, I'm taking care of it real well...I'm taking a break from the house stuff for a while and I'm going to friend's for Thanksgiving....
Comedy...I've just got a permanently injured ankle....and believe me I know how long it takes to heal.......
Hearts, between you and Katherine, I'm glad to know that I'm in the company of the nicest "kluztes" around!
Ake....So nice to see you.....and yes, again!!!!
Citzen, Got any ideas??? lol
haha....yesterday I nearly flew off the treadmill at the gym when I got distracted and stepped on the non-moving part!
You are typing better than me, and you have a lot more to say than me. You still might consider going to the emergency room and having them check for a concussion, typing and saying more than me isn't saying much. Good seeing you!
Yikes! do be careful Odat!
Sorry, I thought your sense of humor returned- My apologies.
BUFF.....Was only kidding!!! My sense of humor is here...that was supposed to be funny......you silly...
ouch! So sorry to read this, Odat.
I've fallen and it's not fun. I did a number on myself.
I hope you are feeling much better by now. (It's Wednesday evening.)
OH no! Not again!
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