It's almost a year already since I retired, and I haven't regretted that decision. It's given me my time to grieve and work through things and get started on many projects, the house being the major one. The holidays have passed and I made it through. I'm content being in the house and know that hub is smiling down (or up) at me knowing that I'm doing things that make me happy.
Valentine's Day happens to be our wedding anniversary so it'll be a sad day (maybe). I'm just glad I got to spend the time I did with him. He made me laugh and everything I do has a memory connected to it that makes me smile because of him. There's something in grief that makes one change, of course, and I'll never be my old self again. But we live and we grow through our experiences and are given choices to sit in our shit or move on. I'm moving on my path, one baby step at a time, one day at a time, and will come through the clouds of my grief to greet the rainbows that await.
Biggest hug ever Odat. You seem to have the right frame of mind. Very positive I mean. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)
we miss you odat.
smiles, bee
Big hugs to you, Odat. Sending lots of love to ya this weekend (and always)!
I'm glad that you posted Odat - I've missed you ! I wish grief evaporatede faster, but it doesn't, and time which goes so fast as we age, goes so slow when we have to start entirely new lives...
Loving Annie
hey hey!
It is really good to hear from you...or see from you...you know what I mean...
You'll never be the old self..and you will always have a piece of him with you.
take care to remember all the good stuff....and come back when you hear the call...smile.
Thumbs up babe!
I was so happy to see you in my reader this morning. Know that you are thought of often and prayers come your way. Hoping you have a day tomorrow full of happy memories and peaceful solace.
Big Valentines Day lipsmack to you- and a long, hard squeezin' hug thrown in for good measure...
XoXo- Buff
We're cheering for you each baby step of the way.
I love the photo you chose, Odat. It seems perfect. You make the necessary adjustments before your soar, once more.
You remain in my heart, whether or not you blog. You'll live there.
It's good to hear you're OK Odat. x
happy valentine's day miss Odat
I'd say you're doing fine, right on schedule. I think Katherine said it best. I'm rooting for you, as always. Happy Valentine's Day!!!
{{{{{ Odat }}}}}
I came by way of the walking man.
I wonder if the angel in the water sees the light emanating from her or is it one path of many? a run way to flight
Peace and love to you on this special day.
Odat, you are a lesson book in How To Live. They say that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, and every time I read your words, I know it's true.
You truly honor your husband and the love you shared when you do what makes you happy. He was taken much too soon, but I have no doubt at all that more rainbows await you.
You totally rock! Sending hugs today and every day.
Thinking of you today.
My heart goes out to you on this day.
Odat- you just do what comes naturally, and just let us know how you are doing once in awhile. Enjoy!
Hey all...you guys are just the best....you make my heart smile!
Thank you for your support and love and hugs and comments...yada,yada,yada.....
BIG (((((((((HUGS)))))))))) TO ALL!
And somehow laughter will find you again... It is the strange miracle of living...
Wings of softness and love,
Hugs two!
I'm thinking of you too, Odat. I don't use a reader, and didn't know you had posted last Thursday.
I hope the weekend went OK for you.
just thought I'd check back and see how you are doing Odat.
been thinking of you.
i haven't read your blog in awhile. am surprised to find the changes when i visited. and i like this post :)
It's March! Post again or you will explode!
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