Happy Effing Monday........AARRGGHH, N'Shit
It's Monday again....
and oh the pain....
of waking up early..
only to gain
Another commute
on the crowded train
hoping that Fundays
will return again!
once promised that he
would rally the people for we
People who hate this day
And make them all Fundays
But has he yet? Nay!
Gratitude list:
1) Malls on cold days
2) Rice pudding
3) Warm sweat shirts just out of the dryer
4) Bagels and cream cheese
5) Funny memories
GARFIELD philosophy!
Mondays are even worse when one is coming down with something...Blah.
No, lol...yup!
Matt, OH NOOOOOO!!! Did you get lucky this weekend...you dirty dog you! ;-)
I agree. Monday's blow.
But I have one more thing to add to our list of things to be grateful for: "leaving work Monday evening"
That always rocks.
well honey i actually look forward to mondays, you see, once you are retired you LIKE it when everyone else has to get out of your way! you have the whole world pretty much to do with as you please, you see? (yeah, they all have to go to wi=ork and i can play around in their comments box alllll day long, whoopee!) sorry you have to work honey. b
Dan, Yeah!!! Ok..I'll add that one to my list tomorrow...sweet!
I bet you're sorry...pfffttt!
MMMM. Bagels and cream cheese. Yes. (tummy growls)
I prefer homemade custard or flan to pudding, but to each his/her own.
As Bob Geldof said, "Tell me why I don't like mondays....."
Great, you've called my failures out to all my blogging peeps (what the hell does that mean?)! Now I feel the pressure to come through and provide Funday. My failure will haunt me evermore. BLAST YOU CURSED MONDAYS!! YOU ARE THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE!
Oh well, at least it's almost over ;-)
today.....grateful to be able to get to bed early.
Yeah, one of my favs.
Phil, thanks for the visit and I don't like Mondays NOT for the same reason Bob Geldof didn't like Mondays.,...
michael, you're a nut.(Have I said that before?)
Claudia...good, get some rest ;-)
Where is he? Let's tie him up till he does the job! I hate Mondays... I hate Mondays.... I hate Mondays!!! M
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