A New year, a new beginning...
Ok Everyone...this is a NON-AARRGGHH Monday! It's another Funday! Wow...two in a matter of two weeks. I'm not doing much today. I'm cooking and just gonna hang out with my hub, yes, that 's right. We're still friends. It was his birthday yesterday so we had dinner and were nice to each other. lol.
I almost made it to midnight...but feel alseep. Geeze, what happened to my "party-hearty" days? But anyway, I was awakened by all the fire works! That went on for about two hours!
It's pouring rain outside now. The lil snot dog won't go out. I wish I had a fireplace. (maybe I'll just start a pot on fire..hahaha). Actually I am a good cook...I just had a freak accident that one time with poor George Foreman.
I have no theme today. Just a flight of ideas here. Oh...speaking of silly things I did something else yesterday that was on the flakey side. I poured dish detergent into my cooking oil jar. LOL. Well the gallon containers were right next to each other and they were both the same color so I just grabbed one and started to pour. So what if we had soupy french fries? ahahahahah. (p.s. I don't drink, so you can't blame that).
Here's hoping y'all have a relaxing day and a year filled with new beginnings. See ya tomorrow!
You always make me laugh at, I mean WITH you :)
We didn't make it to midnight either.
Happy New Year! Can you believe that I had actually forgotten it was Monday. These 2 holidays Mondays in a row are going to make next Monday a real problem!!
Oh, well. Enjoy the day!
Sounds like a relaxing New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, except for the dish detergent mishap, haha! I guess that's one way to make sure that your food is clean. :-)
Happy 2007!
How is it that I read "George Foreman" and suddenly got hungry?
odat i am picturing the bubbling "oil" with the french fries! boy would that be bubbling! bee
A year filled with new beginnings for you as well. All the best my new friend! PS. Um I don't know how to say this... but maybe ... glasses are needed.lol ~M
Well I survived another New Years Eve. Slept right through it. Did I miss anything cool?
Happy New Year.
Later Y'all
On the other hand, deep-fried dishes should come out really clean.
Happy New Year, Odat!
it rained here all day and night too. A soggy way to ring in the new year........
i should have went to bed earlier.
Hope you had a good funday!
Happy new Year!
Happy New Year!
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