I just had two good days in a row! I actually felt like my old self again. It was a wonderful feeling....then I got the phone call. They rushed Mom to the hospital with very low blood pressure...turns out she has pneumonia and is severely dehydrated.
On my way to the hospital, I was thinking to my crazy self, ok the reason you're feeling better is because you're going to have to deal with Mom's stuff right now. I wasn't feeling sorry for myself and just knew that if it were her time to go, I would be at peace with it. Mom is 88 years old and has been in a nursing home with severe dementia for the last 8 years. Her mind is like a five year old;s now. We have fun with each other. She's a happy demented person (and I mean that in the most loving way). She's always laughing and singing and telling everyone she loves them.
When I got to the hospital she was awake, but very weak...they started her on meds and fluids and after a couple of hours she was a little better. She work up singing! ;-) But she still has to beat this pneumonia. I pray that however it works out that she keeps on smiling!
UPDATE: Mom doesn't have pneumonia. She must have moved when they took the first X-ray. They took another one today and it looks clear. However, she does have an infection going on (maybe in the bladder) so she's staying there for a few more days on intravenous antibiotics. She was a little more chipper today, but still very tired. But she did make an attempt to dance while laying there. ;-)
One of my first jobs in high school was working at a rest home. I also lost my mom a few years back, and at 85, legally blind and stone deaf- she was quite content.
Hope this latest challenge of yours works out in the best possible way...
May God bless you and your Mom Odat !!
i am so glad your mom is happy, mine was as well. her dementia was not severe, but she would forget to eat or things like that... this is harder on you than her i am sure. hugs odat...
smiles, bee
Lovely that your mum is happy, laughing and singing and telling everyone she loves them!
If you have to develop dementia, I guess it is a blessing Peace to you and your Mom.
As if you haven't got enough to deal with at the moment! I'm keeping your Mum in my thoughts and sending Reiki. Take care of yourself Odat. x
It sounds to me like you got some good genes from your mother. I hope she gets well and continues to make people smile.
Your mom sounds lovely. I hope she recovers from the pneumonia, so you can hear her sing at least a bit more.
I hope things go well for you, it's lovely that you mum is always smiling and singing. When my gran got dementia she used to talk to the birds. It's good to be happy.
Hope all goes well with you and your Mom! Happy Sunday.
Happy demented people are the best kind.
Odat, this seems so unfair. Yet, you still have your mom, and she is happy, and so happy to be with you. Whatever BS life keeps throwing at you your mom is happy. At five, who shouldn't be happy - I was at that age, too.
Your prayers are answered every time she smiles,
Sending positive thoughts to you and mom, she sounds like a sweet soul. We dealt with dementia in my husband's grandfather and severe Alzheimer's in my step grandmother, so understand that.
Sending you Mama Bear hugs,
I'm pleased that it's not pneumonia and that Mom is trying to dance.
I will be thinking of you both.
You must have inherited your happy, loving disposition from your mom.
Odat, I hope everything works out in the best possible way, and that you are able to take care of your wonderful self through all the uproar.
Peace, indeed.
Thanks everyone once again for your well wishes and prayer and reiki!....it'll all be ok...one day at a time.
makes me wonder if I would be a happy or grumpy demented old girl...
hang in there odat.
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Odat I wish your mom all the strength in the world and a little bit for you incase yours gets depleted... I am glad that you are able to see the bright side again coz thats what makes you great
It's wonderful that your mom is singing and happy. I also believe you inherited her loving ways and bright outlook.
Yes, one day at a time is the only way.
I'm sending thoughts and prayers your way, to the Isle of Staten. ;~)
You and your Mama are in my prayers. And you know what, it would be perfectly okay to feel sorry for yourself every once in awhile.
I can only hope some day I am a happy demented person. =o) I'm just purely demented right now.
I'm sorry you are dealing with more stress. As for your mom, I wish we could all be so chipper! I hope everything works out well for her and for you. It sounds corney, but I am very sincere.
Odat...I'm sorry I haven't been over here in awhile. I was having some issues and problems with my computer.
I love the way you describe your mom. What a sweetie! I imagine the staff must love her.
My only dealing with dementia was my grandmother who was extremely funny and outgoing. In her dementia, though, she changed 100%. I'm glad your mom is not changing.
Sending pray and hope your way.
{{Hug}}} Odat!
Love to you and your Mom.
No pneumonia is good, infection going on bad but not as bad as pneumonia! Still sending Reiki to your Mom. x
Wow. That's a lot of letting go. I admire your courage - as always!
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