Now ya see that picture? Hub took it at Yellowstone Park. It's my first "scanned" picture! I'm going to try and scan all 300 plus into the puter. We have some awesome photos from all over the country. I'm planning on posting a few every week. It'll bring back happy memories for me while sharing them with you.
what a great photo...yellowstone is truly a beautiful place
Great idea! Beautiful photo!
Look forward for the tour.
Saw Yellowstone once when I was a kid- incredible place!
Great Pic Odat. I am a scanner idiot. They always come out crooked or cut off. Cheers!!
Wow. I love it up in Wyoming. I have been all over it. I was married in Cheyenne. I have fished in most of the major rivers up there. Wyoming is a wonderful place for memories.
Later Y'all.
That's a beautiful picture, I can't wait to see the rest. Its a great project, I did the same a few years ago.
You might like to look into flickr.com. Its $25/year and provides storage and online sharing of your pictures. Also makes it very easy to post to your blog.
Have a wonderful day full of warm memories and happy thoughts.
Nice pic Odat !!
Beautiful photo, Odat, and what a great idea to share these memories with us.
Have a nice Tuesday.
Judy and I camped in Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons from 1974 through the 90's. A great choice! Wonderful memories. Thank you.
Awesome photo! I love wilderness photos. You have a lot fun with your scanner!
Happy scanning indeed, what a great idea!
Beautiful photo Odat, looking forward to more.
Could you tell Canon/Costco that I want a scanner? ;)
wonderful odat...
smiles, bee
I can't wait to see more!!! Enjoy the new scanner and I'm sure both canon and costco thank you ;-)
It is gorgeous. Magazine worthy no doubt.
We got one of those scanner things, it is a way to get old photos to the blog, I love this shot.
I clicked to bigify the photo, WOW...
I loved my visit to Yellowstone National Park. What a great thing to do also. I hope this idea brings you much happiness Odat. Big hug honey. :)
Yellowstone is a beautiful, beautiful place. My husband and I spent our honeymoon there some 26 years ago and have taken the kids twice since.
It is a beautiful picture and I hope a lovely memory. Have fun scanning!
Hurray! What a great project for your early retirement. I like it! I like it! Are you getting psyched?? I'm excited for you!
Rock on, IT ODAT!!!!
That's a great picture Odat! Whilst I was recovering from my op last year I spent my time scanning lots of our holiday photographs - you're right it does bring back some fabulous memories. x
Oh, good! That will be fun to re-visit those places with you.
YAY for scanners, I have a new one too!
Great photo and scanner! I bought an all-in-one a couple of years ago. Unfortunately the scanner is not that great. I need a separate scanner. Or a better all-in-one.
Lovely photo!
I've done a lot of hiking and camping in my life, bur have never been to Yellowstone. It looks awesome.
Wow, it actually makes me think I might travel to Yellowstone one day!!! Nice photo!
Sounds like a great plan, Odat. We'll look forward to it.
Good for you for learning! It's fun grabbing this technology by the balls isn't it?
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