I've never been poked by a cattle prod. Why, do you ask, am I telling you that? I've been threatened by my blog buddy, Buffalodick, that if I don't put up a post he's got one with my name on it!! Is this something I should report to Blogster? Am I being harassed? Just because he cooks great food and puts up pictures of it and makes everyone's mouth's water and want some....doesn't give him the right to cattle prod me! :-) So......rather than having my name branded on my ass or someplace, here's a post for y'all.
My last home project is almost done. I gutted my kitchen and the contractor is putting it in now. When that's done, I'm going to take a break and start living like I'm retired! It seems all I've done is work, work, work...but I'm doing things that I love doing, that's what makes the time fly. I don't post here because I just don't sit down anymore at my computer that much and I apologize to all my buddies out there that I've not gotten around to commenting. I do catch up a lot on my goggle reader so I've not forgotten ya! :-)
I'm still missing hub....I keep his picture in a little frame and carry it around to each room I'm in so he can see what I'm doing in the house. He and I had complete opposite tastes in decor....so i'm sure he's rolling his angel eyes at how I'm decorating and the colors I'm using to paint the house with. :-)
I finally got some flowers planted in the front of the house. I'm trying to start a perennial garden. Hub was the gardener, so I'm hoping the flowers will grow!!!

The new pup (Tank) is getting a little bigger. All he does is bother Snot dog who is getting on in years (like me) and all he wants to do is snooze the day away. But he tolerates Tank and they do look sooo cute when they're both sleeping.
So...maybe someday I'll be back here blogging daily....but not right now. I wish you all peace and love.