The very act of walking used to make me cringe..because I'm a lazy-bones at heart. But I DO exercise and I DO walk a lot in spite of myself. I walk a mile to and from the train each morning, I walk my dog 3-4 times a day, I walk a lot at work, back and forth to other offices, I walk around the City at lunch time...walk..walk..walk..(which reminds me though, I haven't taken a walk on the wild side in a really long time) {oh well, that may be a subject for a future post..lol}
Well....all this walking, I believe, saved my butt this morning. Was exiting the side door of my house at 5Am (to WALK the dog) and missed the last step, fell, (very gracefully, ha ha) and turned on my ankle really bad. I said: DAMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! I broke my ankle!" (plus a few other expletives I won't mention here). So here I am, laying on my back in my driveway. (the neighbors probably thinking: there 's that crazy lady again, she's laying down on the sidewalk over there). I roll over and grab the side of the house and ease my body up...up....Ok Good. I'm standing. I put pressure on my foot. OK Good. No pain. I start to WALK. OK Good. I can!!! Hallelujah! Yippee! Hurrah!!!
Hmmm....nothing......didn't break it....no pain.....walking.....walking.....
Guess all that walking strenghened up those muscles and tendons...!!!! I'm OK. I'm walking my lil dog down the block....Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M READY FOR THAT WALK ON THE WILD SIDE NOW............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!