Eyechan Man, my international blog buddy, whose blog is a beautiful account of his experience of living in Japan, has tagged me to list eight (8) random things about myself.
1) I think I'm accident prone.....I keep falling and injuring my right ankle......and I don't even drink!
2) I may have adult onset attention deficit disorder. While at work, I keep sneaking into the blogosphere to read some every now and then and sometimes even do a post. Maybe that's addiction??? ;-)
3) I like to be tan in the summer, but don't like to lay in the sun. So I get spray tanned. (which is probably just as unhealthy as it is to lay in the sun). I sit under an umbrella at the beach with a hat on.
4) I used to trap shoot.
5) I can't eat a hamburger without a pickle.
6) I went to four different graduate schools before I got my degree.
7) I sleep with just my feet outside the covers. I don't like to have them covered.
8) My lil Snot dogs snores all night...and it doesn't bother me anymore ...;-) . Actually I find it soothing.
Ok, just send my ticket to the nut house and I'll be glad to veg out there for a few weeks....
and thanks Eyechan, for the tag.