Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wordzzle #3

Raven sponsors Wordrzzzle every weekend.  She offers up the words and we make up the stories!

The ten words for this week are:  
Fabulous, aristocrat, tricycle, soft summer breeze, cat litter, silver-tongued devil, curtain rod, lilacs, Abraham Lincoln, garbage can.

Here's my third one.  I'm just having fun with it.

"Simply fabulous", Meek the aristocrat squealed as he eyed his brand new purple and pink tricycle!  You see, he couldn't ride a two wheeled bike nor could he drive a car. (Not to mention the fact that cars weren't even invented yet.)

He hopped on and pedaled away, allowing the soft summer breeze to kiss his face.  All of a sudden his bike hit a patch in the rode that set him sailing head over heals over the handle bars but landing in a soft, scratchy patch of cat liter???   Lifting himself up and checking that nothing was broken, he thought to himself "What the heck is this? Why is cat liter being used to pave the road???"  He looked around to see if he somehow took the wrong turn and wound up in the middle of a cat farm or something. His attention was drawn to his mangled tricycle and he became very sad.  "What am I supposed to do now?" he thought.  

All of a sudden he heard a hissing laugh and turned around and lo and behold, there stood Abraham Lincoln.  Meek thought it was strange that he was carrying a curtain rod and was dressed up like a silver tongued devil!  But hey, stranger things have happened, like being stopped short and thrown in the air by a road of cat liter.

Meek asked Mr. Abe if he was going to help him get out this mess.   Abe threw his head back and laughed, then pointed over to the garbage can.  You see, his curtain rod was really a magic wand and when he pointed it at the can thousands of lilacs began to bloom!

Abe told Meek that if he took those lilacs and placed them on top of the cat liter, a new road would appear.   

So that's what Meek did and sure enough, the road turned back into one that was smooth and tricyclable. (I made that word up).   He was told to sprinkle the lilacs on his trike and that too came back to life.  Meek was thrilled and turned to thank Abe...but he was gone.  All that was left was the magic curtain rod!  Meek took the rod and placed it over his handle bars and rode all the way back to his village.  

The villagers rejoiced and everyone lived happily ever after.


the walking man said...

2 things to love:

1) a happy ending

2) the image of how most stuff in a child's life comes home, over the handlebars.

Casdok said...

I love a happy ever after ending!

Deb said...

That sounds like a dream I've had whilst in the midst of a high fever.

Clarence said...

Oh, I really like Meek the aristocrat. I felt quite sorry for him that his beautiful new tric got mangled. Great story! :)

Akelamalu said...

Oh it was like a fairytale! I love fairytale endings. :)

RW said...

Good one Odat nice ending!

Raven said...

What a wonderful dream/tale. I love Abraham Lincoln as a fairy god father. So creative! Great wordzzling. And I love your new word tricyclable.

C. said...

Meek had quite the adventure, heh....

Dianne said...

tricyclable - what a great word!!

and I too love a dream with a happy ending.

you're really good at this and I'm happy you're having fun with them

Sandee said...

Have a wonderful weekend sweetie. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)

Richard said...

What an enchanting tale. Abe Lincoln and his magic curtain rod. Loved it.


Mimi Lenox said...

"The lilacs began to bloom..."
I laughed and laughed.

Anonymous said...

You've done a great job here (but you always do)! :)

Have a lovely weekend.

Say It said...

it reads like you enjoyed writing it too! Nice!!!

Jay said...

Abraham Lincoln and his magic curtain rod? So very imaginative! Fun, happy story! Great job!

Maria said...

I love that story and swear if I had children Meek and the Curtain Rod would be a bedtime favorite!

All the best always and always,M!

San said...

You have created a lovely, funny fairy tale. Great job!

Patti said...

What an imagination you have! Great job.

Oh, and I also love lilacs.