Alright now...Today is definitely NOT Funday....It's absolutely AARRGGHH MONDAY! It sucks too. First Monday in two weeks where I had to get up and go to work. I actually don't hate working, per se, I just would like to sleep a little later.
I was watching the Giants/Eagles game yesterday and I saw something I thought was really neat (besides the nice lil tight ends I like to peak at).....One of the guys was on the sidelines with what I assume was the physical therapist of the team... was getting a leg massage with something that looked like a long rolling pin....the guy was rolling it up and down his leg.....I did a double take.... wow...I think I'd like one of those massages!!! Happy Monday!
I was watching the Giants/Eagles game yesterday and I saw something I thought was really neat (besides the nice lil tight ends I like to peak at).....One of the guys was on the sidelines with what I assume was the physical therapist of the team... was getting a leg massage with something that looked like a long rolling pin....the guy was rolling it up and down his leg.....I did a double take.... wow...I think I'd like one of those massages!!! Happy Monday!
Gratitude list:
1) seeing Mom laugh, in spite of her illness
2) Bookstores
3) Hot showers
4) New CDs
5) A little pug dogs nicknamed Snot
I love it!!!!! Sniper Kitty
It probably was a rolling pin. But a medical supply company probably calls it something else and charges 500 bucks per unit!!
well now odat honey i could get my charlie to roll you with a pin if you like. he can roll pretty good for an old guy. of course sometimes he just rolls away, you know what i mean? you have to catch him on a good day. when he can find his meds. then he can roll. now don't forget we don't have to go to work and sometimes on a monday morning we get all like, well, yippee, they all have to go to work and we can blog all day and leave notes and they are gone, gone, gone all day long. but then if i take a nap i don't forget so much. you know? about how much i forget. what do you mean i forget too much? sigh, i think i remember pretty darned good for an old broad. yeesh.... can you hand me my glasses honey? i can't see the keyboard too good without 'em. hey is that cat a sniper? cool.... i have that same picture somewhere, i know i do, i just don't remember where. did you take my cat honey? maybe they are sniper brothers. hey that would be a good one. i could put my pussy in one window and you could put your pussy in another window and they could, huh? what do you mean keep my pussy to myself? well if that's how you feel odat, sigh.... these young ones always think they know what i'm talking about and even i don't know what the hell i'm talking about. idiots..... bee
Sniper kittyyyyyyy......attack!
I have actually used a rolling pin...esp. when I was recovering from my knee surgery! It would have been nice to have someone else do it though!
Odat, first, I hope you're at work finally, I read that you might be late do to blogging. Second, if the rifle is pointed at me, aim for the leg, that way I get 3 weeks in Germany to recover. Third, was your team the Giants? Our Chaplin is from Phillie, I think he had something to do with the game last night.
Mmmm, tight ends.
Mondays SUCK! Plain and simple!
I like your gratitude list.. I might um borrow/steal it and bring it over to my blog!
I think that Lee Kitty Oswald took a shot at me today...
That little multi-roller is nice when you have a PT working on you. The tight butts don't do much for me though, not on guys that is.
You know, it really wouldn't surprise me if this was what my cats were doing when I left the house.
Those are all good reasons to feel grateful! A rolling pin massage would be nice, too.
I share your sentiments on the monsay thing and I think your gratitude list is a lovely idea
ugk monday sucked, when the cats done with the gun can I borrow it?
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