Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ok..It's Thursday and I don't give a fuck. It sucks being me today. I'm in one of those moods so people ought to keep away from me. Might be due to the fact that I hurt my shoulder and I'm in a lil pain....might be because I ate lots of carbs for breakfast (after being off them for awhile). Doesn't matter! Just look out or leave me alone. HAVE A NICE DAY!


Deb said...

This is me, standing waaaaay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>> over there.

Don't hurt me.

Odat said...

Yeah that's a fair distance to keep. (I don't think I'd hurt ya tho). I'll be fine soon....

Deb said...

((((((((((((hugs))))))))) I'll ask about your shoulder when you are in a happier mood.