Here we go again. Up before the crack of dawn and getting ready to go again...out into the cold, travelling into the city...on the crowded train...with all those people...trudging together to get to a place where we do what we do and then they give us our reward at the end of the week. Then we finish up and turn around and do it in the opposite direction. And its still cold and dreary and it's supposed to snow tonight inspite of what someone told me about it being in the 40's and no snow. It's all good though....I really do like my job and the pay is I don't really mind.
Hoping your Aarrgghh Monday is all good too and hope your weekend was full of wonderful things.
Gratitude list:
1) Friend's support
2) To be able to reciprocate that support
3) Having a great job
4) Iced coffee
5) Being alive
Glad your week is off to a not-bad start! ;-)
Your optimism is so admirable, Odat.
Ice and sleet headed our way late today. Not looking forward to it. Happy Monday to you too Odat!
I'm not so much on Mondays.
Having a job that you like is priceless!!
Man oh man it is 74 degrees and misty rain, sooooooo baddddddddddd
It's always Funday when you can wake up in Vegas!!
well odat honey it was warm here like sarge said but pretty drizzly all day. i spent the day on the floor cause i was exercising over at gouda's and wound my leg over my head and fell and couldn't get up but i had a pretty good day, i found a dime and s snarley fuzzy thing that kept me busy for awhile, then i got the clicker and my coffee, luckily i like it cold like you do, huh? and then i found a little broken pencil but it was good enough to write a little note on the tile floor to get some laundry detergent because i was going to need it after i spent the day down there, and i did not find my glasses down there, i still think they are in here somewhere, did you hide them honey? and melon promises to give back your diary when the publisher sends it back to him, ok? alrighty then, have fun honey, i did.....
smiles, bee
weekend? wassdat? I've been going going going for the past 4 days or so...I'm pooped!
Are you gearing up for a SNOW DAY????
It got warm today, but was still freezing when I left the house, so I ended up in thermal underwear and jeans when I really, really wanted to dress like a grownup.
I'm ready for it to get in the thirties. Yeah, the thirties would be nice...
Great gratitude list. I wish I could empathize over the cold. But the truth is when our cold front hits on Thursday we'll have daytime highs of mid 60s and overnight lows of low 40s. I can't complain.
yes the reality of it does suck
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