I got this idea from my blog idol, Deb from Boondoggled. (go read her post, it's a riot).
But here's the idea: Write a paragraph or two. Then go to Babelfish
and have it translated to any language you so desire. Then take that translation and have it translated back to English and see what you get.Here's my message in English:
You, my dear blogging buddies, are the best group of people in the world. You've given me laughs, support and hugs these past weeks and I've appreciated all of them. Don't stop!!! I'll need lots more to get my rear in gear. I promise I'll return the favor. After all, I may have some extra time on my hands in the future when every day will be Funday for me!
French translation:
Vous, mes chers copains blogging, êtes le meilleur groupe de personnes dans le monde. Vous m'avez donné des rires, soutenez et les étreintes ces semaines passées et moi ont apprécié tous. N'arrêtez pas ! ! ! Je volonté ai besoin de sorts de plus pour obtenir mon âne dans la vitesse. Je promets que je renverrai la faveur. Après tout, je peux avoir une certaine heure supplémentaire sur mes mains à l'avenir quand chaque jour sera Funday pour moi !
Now, here's the French translated back to English:
You, my dear buddies blogging, are the best group of people in the world. You gave me laughter, support and the pressures these weeks last and me appreciated all. Do not stop! ! ! I will need fates moreover to obtain my ass in speed. I promise that I will return the favour. After all, I can in the future have a certain overtime on my hands when each day is Funday for me!
Have fun! ;-)
This looks like great fun, ma chere.
I will do eet later, mademoiselle, when I have more time. Off to a morning assignment..
That's pretty funny! "Lost in translation" is real!
Ha...You did it again. Another mindless and fun time waster for me. You are on a roll this week. Cheers Odat!!
Cool idea Odat, reminds me of that game we played as kids called "pass it on" with a new spin lol! Have a great day!!
I reckon bable fish don't know redneck anyhow.
I will need fates moreover to obtain my ass in speed.
This single line had me laughing so hard I had to come out of lurker mode and comment!
Very intriguing....and I am tucking it away to do with the many tags.
Happy day sweet friend.
Excellent! Maybe the universal translator that i blogged about today is not such a good idea!
ooops Dana got here first and quoted my favorite line!
This was fun to read, I will check it out.
You - Odat - are wonderful in any language!
While I cannot speak english, let alone French, me thinks I spied a Funday in there...
I can't wait to hear how you spend your Fundays!!
Oooh, fun! I will obtain my ass in speed and go try it right now.
Bwahahahahaha. Now you know why I took Babelfish off my side-bar. How funny. Have a great day Odat and here's a big hug from me to you. :)
Hehe, that looks like a lot of fun - I'll give it a go soon. :)
I did it! Come see!! Now I am going to go look at Deb's
Oh I know! Babelfish has a way to go!
écrit Français? incroyable!
PS - Jabba the cat has been addressed (so to speak)
We're five to ten years away from real-time artificial translating, I think. It'll come.
Thanks, Odat! I also cherish you and my other blog pals. Having a sounding board and support avalailable to me has carried me through. Don't stop blogging after you retire!
into Greek:
Ευχαριστίες, Odat! Λατρεύω επίσης σας και το άλλο blog μου pals. Η κατοχή ενός αντηχείου και μιας υποστήριξης avalailable σε με με έχει φέρει εις πέρας. Μην σταματήστε αφότου αποσύρεστε!
and back to English:
Thanks, Odat! I worship also you and the other blog my pals. The possession of resonator and support avalailable in with with has brought to an end. Do not stop since you withdraw itself!
Thank you, Odat, I really needed this today! Happy Friday!
Thanks all and I hope you had as much fun as I did with this...and Citizen, I won't stop when I withdraw myself...lol
Peace All.
Best line ever: I will need fates moreover to obtain my ass in speed.
hee hee!! That's pretty good! :-)
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