Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Flowers and Louis Vuitton

Desk flowers this week.

The Day the Office Smelled Like Pumpkin Spiced Coffee

Who would think to put a cup of pumpkin spiced coffee into a Louis Vuitton handbag and why????

Well, I'm not going to mention any names (Twinhead), but I was dragged 10 blocks yesterday at lunch just to get a cup of pumkin spiced coffee (not for me but for T.H.). I, like a good lil friend I am, went along for the walk. This was all after the grand premier of said bag at the office!

On the way back, we stopped to get sandwiches and salad to bring back to the office. While walking thru the farmers market by our office...T.H. stops and mumbles something, then opens her Louis Vuitton satchel bag to discover her pumpkin spice coffee is spilled and is occupying at least an inch of the bottom of her handbag! Ut oh! I tried to be sympathic, grabbing some plastic shopping bags from the farmers and helped her empty out the contents. Then wiped some dripping coffee off her jacket. Wasn't funny (hehe). Then I asked the million dollar question: "Why the f......did you put a cup of coffee in your handbag?" Actually I didn't really want to know the answer, because there isn't any logical answer to that question....(sorry T.H. ;-), but there really isn't ya know).

She spent the afternoon air drying the contents of her purse. The aroma of pumkin spice filled the air.

(Yes she will kill me for writing this story, but hey, what are friends for but to provide blog material?)



Lizza said...

Haha! We all do strange things sometimes. Thank heavens for friends like you who laugh with us and blog about those oops moments. :-)

buffalodick said...

You could have even warned her, and she still would have done it. Some people are predisposed to self-inflicted disasters...

Anonymous said...

C'est la vie Odat !

Nosjunkie said...

what the hell is pumpkin spiced coffee sounds terrible

Mike Minzes said...

At least her bag now smells like the coffee she likes so much.

I'll be she doesn't put coffee in her bag anymore.

Patti said...

Blog material is what is important, and you got some yesterday!!

This is a head scratcher. Why would anyone put a cup of coffee in her bag?

Patti said...

P.S. Nice desk flowers ~ is that wall in the background really dark blue, light blue and a greenish yellow?


none said...

At least it wasn't a latte ;)

Odat said...

lizza, let's hope she laughs too!

buffalo, I couldn't warn her, I didn't even realize she did it!

paul, so true! it's the flavor of the month in all the coffee shops here...I don'[t particularly like it but others live for it. ;-)

mike m, Yes it told her she should invent pumkin spice perfume now.

patti, there is no answer to that question....and as for the wall,it's really beige..I took that pic with the "cartoon" effect on my phone camera. Pretty neat huh?

hammer, Actually I think it was!!


Christy said...

Holy mackenzie! Man am I glad I have more common sense than that! At least pumpkin spice smells good. =o)

Claudia said...

hey...she could bring back scratch and sniff...with a new twist...scratch and sniff purses!!

Anonymous said...

This is Twinhead...and my feelings are hurt! It was an accident. The bag was tall, the coffee fit and VOILA! I thought, at the time, that with the coffee (with a cover and in a bag) in my purse, I would be sure not to spill it, as I was sure I would if I held it in my hand and strolled through the city during lunch hour.

I may step down.

Deb said...

This message is for Twinhead - I feel your pain. I, too, have sat in the presence of our dear Ms. Odat, and recognize the negative influence she has on our common sense. Although the good clean fun and uncontrollable giggles may be the reason that we love her so much, the tendency to do things we normally wouldn't consider when in her presence seems to be an unexplained power that she has over the masses. I blame her entirely.

Don't step down!

RW said...

Hahaha good story! :D

Michael C said...

I'm sorry Odat, did you say something after writing 'pumpkin spiced coffee?'

Coffee in a purse, huh? Well, I guess when you play with fire...

Anonymous said...

I don't care what Odat says about you, you are my new best friend!

Odat said... a nice aroma

claudia, great idea!

Twinhead, Get over it! ;-)

Deb, You know you love me!

Rogerdodger, Help!! they're overpowering me! lol.

michael, hmmm yes...i said a lot after pumkin spice coffee...

Twinhead, OK. Fine.

Open Grove Claudia said...

So funny that Michael C wrote here. I thought when I read the blog - is this about Michael? He loves that coffee! lol!

I admire your stamina. I would have pointed, laughed until I fell over. You are clearly a better human being than I am.

Schmoop said...

Better than if it was a urine sample. Cheers!!

katherine. said...

I am sloshing coffee all the time....I keep it far FAR away from my purse!

The CEO said...

Gorgeous flowers! And I always enjoy a cup or two of that spiced pumpkin coffee although it really isn't strong enough for me. But you can ALWAYS pick flowers for me!

Twinhead, rest assured, I rarely have a day when I do anything really brilliant. Most days I try not tripping over my own feet. Welcome to be human! You're in my league, and Thank God, I'm still breathing. YAY!


Odat said...

claudia, I was laughing so hard, I had to bite my tongue to prevent Twinhead from seeing me laugh...

matt-man, good point!

katherine...another slosher huh?

CEO, sure, I'd pick flowers for you anytime!


Casdok said...

pumkin spiced coffee! Sounds intersting!

Nikki Neurotic said...

I have to ask...was she a blonde?

Odat said...

casdok, Some people love it...

silver, hmmmm, NO! lol

Patti said...

This was a great post, Odat, and fun to read all the responses.