Mimi, Queen of Memes and Peaceglobes, is doing it again! Click on the link to see how you too can get in on the biggest peace movements in the blogging world, happening on November 7 and get your own peace globe to display. Blog Blast For Peace! You know you want to!
"Sanni from Germany", pimped my globe!!! Isn't it the cutest thing you ever did see.....My heartfelt thanks to Sanni. I have no clue how to create these but with her help and creativity, she did one hell of a job. Don't you agree???? ;-) I am soooo grateful.
sanni is a brain girl!!! woo hoo odat, lookin' good...
smiles, bee
With the Earth in the background, it looks like we're being invaded by Space Pugs.....
That's beautiful, Odat! It's so cute that you have little Spud on it.
I am waiting for dear Sanni to make mine. I also took Mimi up on her suggestion, since I am not good at Paint Shop Pro or whatever. I was tearing my hair out the other day in an attempt to create my own. Good thing I have plenty of it (hair, that is).
I like you glob, just so you know.
(and whaddda mean I've been cleaning your plows?????? huh? lol)
redneck speak for you are winning.
Hey nice job Sanni looks good! Have a great day Odat!!
You said pimped my globe.
Peace is overrated...Cheers!!
Will do!!!
So I got here around 7:30, and I had to go get a globe, and then I started working on it, and by golly here it is 12:35 and I haven't commented yet. I even went to t'ai chi in between. I love this site. It's magical for me. Thank you so much!
ok the my comic was not good enough, today is a double feature
I'm a bit stuck on the words "pimped my globe". Um, she sold your globe on a major thorough fair then took more than half the profits???
I´m so glad you like it, Odat! I had so much fun creating your globe.
Sanni (the pimp - HA!)
Peace to you Odat!
This globe is totally awesome. One-of-a-kind for sure. You rock.
Go on with your dancing self.
Oh, wow! She did an awesome job. :)
I love it!!!!
Good for people to know.
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