The nor'easter didn't hit that badly here. We had some snow, some ice, winds. The only damage I had was the garbage can lids were across the street. The streets are slushy and it's supposed to rain all day. It's really biting cold tho, with the wind. I had to carry the wuss, Snot Dog, out to the trees because he refused to move off the porch!
I'm planning on making some beef stew later. It seems like that kind of day!
Have a relaxing Sunday!
Odat do your boogie and stay warm! :-)
poor snot dog! send him down to mini to warm up a bit...
smiles, bee
Mmmmmmmmmm, Beef Stew. Stay warm and safe Odat!!
We just had some rain down here in DC. Ain't nothin' but a thang.
Oooh! Beef stew and cold weather. Sounds like a great combination!
All Spud needs to do to get picked up by you is just give you the saddest sad-dog look. He didn't just wait for the ice storm to compel you to pick him up...
Glad that the damage was minimal. You and snot dog stay safe and warm and well-fed with some yummy home-made beef stew, Odat !
We got snow! Still had to drive to my sisters' for holiday gathering. Roads not too bad, drivers however...
Mmmmm...beef stew.
I made cookies, but couldn't find the rolling pin, so I couldn't use the cookie cutters. Ah well.
Snot dog probably didn't want to go out because you had him in the red sweater again.
Hope you thaw soon.
We had roast chicken and homemade mac and cheese. It was that kind of day!
MMMMMMM beef stew!
Roger - thats what i thought to!!
15 inches of snow...
Made some Hot Chocolate and cookies.. good for waking up from a nap.
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