Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Aarrgghh- Monday

I wish I could wake up like my dog. I'm not talking about looking like him, mind you, although he is sooo cute, doncha think? What I mean is dogs go from 0 to 90 as soon as their eyes open...I, on the other hand, go from about 0 to 5 only after about an hour after waking. In other words, I'm a slow waker upper....Gotta have my coffee, my shower, a lil reading....I just can't wake up and go...give me a lil time and I'll get there....Oh and that reminds me, as I got from 0 to 2 here, it's "aarrgghh" Monday and a reminder to all you people to get out on that campaign trail for michael c to get elected...and you all know why by now....."aarrgghh" Mondays will officially be changed to FUNDAYS!!!! and I can't think why y'all wouldn't want that to happen.....


1 comment:

Michael C said...

I'd like to take more time to post some campaign rhetoric for Funday, but alas, I stayed in bed an extra hour (only because it's Monday)and unless I find a way to teleport to work I'm gonna be kind of late. Like an hour or so late.

Have a good Funday...