Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Pigged Out

In spite of the fact that it's Happy Dance Friday, I don't think I could dance even if my life depended on it today....I can't move! I feel like a lead balloon. That's because yesterday we went to the San Gennero Feast in Little Italy in downtown NYC. Blocks and blocks of sausage and peppers, zeppoli stands, pizza, mozzerelli, funnel cakes, macaroni, pepperoni, roni roni......Nothing tastes better than eating at this feast! The day was a perfect fall day...sun was breeze....started out with lots of energy....ended up, like I said, feeling like a lead balloon.....that's what zeppolies(zeppoli? zeppaloni?) will do to you!! Brought some home too...heated them up after dinner.....ate more! Now, can't move....can barely type....can't work! But it was sooo worth it!!!!! Yum!


Unknown said...

I bet you will be putting a small exhaust fan in your window the next couple of days huh? :D

Later Yall.

Michael C said...

I think i just ruined my keyboard drooling as I read your description of the food. Have you thought about becoming a food writer? Because I'm sure now hungry!!!

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Ooooohhhh, I just groaned aloud in pain and woke up my husband and cat when I read that the San Gennaro Festival is going on. And I'm 3,000 long miles away.

I've been telling him about this glorious September event for years as it's one of the things I miss most about New York.

Sono Italiana in mio cuore. I can't believe we've missed yet another one. %&*#@***#^$!!

mist1 said...

Am so hungry. Feeling weak. No food in fridge. No Italian Sausage Festival in proximity.

Deb said...

Go for your wasabi, mist.

Maria said...

Wow...I am so hungry! ~M

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Now see what you did? You started an epidemic. Waaaaaa, I want some cannoli and REAL NY pizza and manicotti and linguine and and and.....

Some days life really sucks.

Anonymous said...

been there, done that yesterday and today !!!!!!!! Gotta love it !!

C... said...

Oh man - loosen the belt. I am sure you are rolling around saying "why did I do it"

Anonymous said...

I just read my own post...
What's mozzerelli????? LMAOoooo
I should do spell check!!!!!

Hmm, melon? I just may need that fan...

Glad e'one is so hungry now...send me your orders... I'll FedEx em!

Hey Brat...thanks for stopping by...I looked all over for ya Thursday!