Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Happy Dance (Head Banging Style) Friday
This is my evil twin's favorite song!! She just loves it and doesn't care if you do!
(Don't worry Sarge Charlie, I'll have a better one for you next week).
Thursday, March 29, 2007
We Want It Now! (The Dog's Uprising)

It's a right wing consiracy I tell ya!
By those liberal dogs wanting human food. I own a lil pug dog. Or should I say he owns me. Little did I know he was plotting behind my back, day in and day out, spreading the word to all those of his kind to rise up against their owners in order to be fed tastier food! Well they've managed to overcome the establishment!I now give the lil snot dog more human food. But I do still feed him the dry stuff with it. After all, I am the Mommy, right?
(This is in response to the the dog food being recalled. In case any of ya were wondering if I flipped my lid...No, just flipped the finger at those companies who were dumb enough to keep their high profits in mind and purchase ingredients for the food from China, where no standards or inpections are required).
Five Things I'm Grateful for Today:
1) Sunshine on my shoulders, (makes me happy.....)
2) Yoga (being able to do it that is) (still trying for those headstands tho!)
3) Shedding of the winter coat
4) Light when I get home from work
5) Giving smiles out to those who don't have them
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Something to Think About...
Sarge Charlie is a Viet Nam Vet...a proud one too...go visit and say thanks for touching our hearts. :-)
This is what I mean when I say "Peace". Please pass it on.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Happy Dance Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HandsUp studio presents "Crab Dance", This is what crabs do when no one else is watching. Created by Ofer Rubin & Oren BenTov.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Snot Dog Day
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Ode to Spring

Spring has sprung......but where is it?
There's ice outside my door N'shit.
I still wear my boots and scarf
My dog still whines and goes arf arf.
My heart is heavy and I'm depressed
Because I'm still overdressed
Let me shed my coat and shed my gloves
And give me weather that I loves....
Someday soon I will see Spring
Until that day I'll try and sing
An uplifting song I love so well....
Winter, you can go to hell.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Silly Joke Day
Your Emoticon is Sad |
![]() You're feeling a tad depressed right now. It will likely pass soon, but for now, you need some major cheering up! |
Uh oh...must be from cabin fever!!! I just cheered myself up when I read this joke, so y'all don't have to worry about me. Hehe.
A mother and father take their 6-year old son to a nude beach in
Miami. As the boy walks along the sand, he notices that many of
the women have boobs bigger than his mother's, so he goes back
to ask her why.
She tells her son, "The bigger they are, the sillier the lady is."
The boy, pleased with the answer, goes to play in the ocean but
returns to tell his mother that many of the men have larger things
than his dad does.
She replies, "The bigger THEY are, the dumber the man is."
Again satisfied with her answer, the boy goes back to the ocean to
Shortly thereafter, the boy returns again, and promptly tells his
"Daddy is talking to the silliest lady on the beach, and the longer
he talks, the dumber he gets."
5 Things I'm Grateful for Today:
1) Ability to be silly
2) Great cheeseburgers
3) Loving friends
4) Warm sunshine that melts snow
5) Clear starry nights
Monday, March 19, 2007
Happy Monkey Monday
I spent most part of the weekend digging out of iced snow. A "little" storm passed through on Friday (while I was trying to Happy Dance too. Was more like Happy Ice Skating!) Lots of snow, wind, sleet, rain, then snow and ice and it ended with one big frozen piece of ice -like snow...so frozen you couldn't even make a snow ball or snowman. And to think two days before that it was 77 degrees! So Sunday I had cabin fever. Just had to get on on the road. The roads were a little bit of a mess. Snow started to melt so there were ponds of puddles. That sounds like a good title of a poem, "Ponds of Puddles". Maybe I'll get to that some day. Anyway the sun was shining, which was a good thing. That alone lifted my spirits. And I didn't get to make corned beef and cabbage on Saturday...I'll do it next weekend. I celebrate my birthday and St. Patty's Day all month anyway.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Sunday Sillies

Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Happy Dance Friday!!!
HandsUp studio presents "Crab Dance", This is what crabs do when no one else is watching. Created by Ofer Rubin & Oren BenTov.
Keywords: dance film animation music cartoon play crabs dance table tennis hands up ofer rubin oren bentov
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Bad: Those damn pigeons that live in the parking lot at work crapped all over it!
Good: My birthday on Sunday!
Bad: I pulled a muscle in my calf.
(I know these two have nothing really in common, but if they did, I wouldn't tell you about it, hehe).
Good: It was in the 70's yesterday :-)
Bad: It's supposed to snow tomorrow :-(
Wife: I have some good news and some bad news.
Husband: What's the good news?
Wife: The good news is I found a picture that's worth $500,000.
Husband: Wow! That's wonderful! What's the bad news?
Wife: The bad news is that the picture is of you and your secretary!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Snot Dog Snores But I Still Love Him

This is not my pug in the video, but I just wanted to share that this is the sound I go to sleep with every night....I'm so used to it now that I find it soothing. Yes, I'm weird...but I love my lil snot dog!!! and he can snore all he wants to. That's him up there in the photo...I tried to put those lil boots on him so he wouldn't hurt his paws on the rock salt. They only stayed on his lil paws long enough for me to take that pic.
Gratitude List:
1)Pug dogs
2)Wagging tails
4)Warm days
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
A Couple of Bloggers Breaking Bread

Monday, March 12, 2007

(also, I'm still celebrating my birthday today, since I had an hour taken from me yesterday! The nerve!)
I'd like to thank e'one for all their well wishes and expecially Bee http://muffin53.blogspot.com/
for her great cyber gift from Tiffany's...I just love it! Thank you sooo much. (That makes up for her stealing my diary and leaving it on the ship). You may want to visit her blog and see her great new slide show thingy...it's soo cool.
My monkey picture (isn't he a handsome dude) is compliments from my friend Roger http://rogersblablabla.blogspot.com/. Thanks Roger~~~~~I've been drooling all night!~ hehe.
Hey..how come those people who came in late to work and claim that they forgot to turn their clocks back in the Fall aren't early for work now? Hmmmm???
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Why is that elephant smiling?

Would you save an elephant??????????
I don't really think I would want this job...would you?????? Hehe
MASTURBATING an elephant in the cause of science isn’t an easy job – just ask wildlife expert Dr Thomas Hildebrandt.
Just touching a jumbo penis – they measure more than 1.5metres when aroused – can have painful consequences as German scientist Dr Hildebrandt reveals.
He said: “One guy I know got a black eye from being hit by an elephant’s penis.
“When you touch an elephant there it starts to flick backwards and forwards and it’s so strong it can knock you off your feet. It’s such a strong movement.”
Dr Hildebrandt, a world expert on elephant and rhino reproduction demonstrates how it should be done in BBC2’s Horizon: The Elephant’s Guide To Sex screened on March 20.
His mission is to help endangered species get into the mood for love and give them a hand - quite literally – to boost their dwindling populations.
In the programme, he bids to help elephants Jackson and Christy – who lives in US zoos 1,200 miles apart – to produce a baby.
It’s a messy business as he massages Jackson’s prostate gland to produce 300ml of semen per orgasm – the equivalent of a can of Coke – which has to be airlifted in giant condoms across America to Christy.
Artificially inseminating an elephant is just as messy – while a catheter is inserted into the cervix, the hapless scientist faces being pooed on.
All the mess is worth it to Dr Hildebrandt who said: “Lots of mammals are facing extinction and artificial insemination is very helpful in saving species.
“Man has created this annihilation of species; it’s up to man to use his ingenuity to save them.”
The programme will also look at the problem of getting semen from a sedated rare northern white rhino and viewers will meet killer whale Shamu who is only too happy to provide sperm samples in the name of science when his trainer shows him a special collection bag.
Peace and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 09, 2007

HAPPY DANCE FRIDAY.... Shake those booties.....I know you can ;-)
This song is dedicated to Boondoggled....(She'll know why!)
Gratitude List:
1) New batteries (for my smoke alarm) ;-)
2) Hot showers
3) Coffee (again)
4) Heat (still)
5) New books
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Thursday Thrills...
Odat, and her evil twin.
All these things this week are "too busy, too lazy, to sit down and write something for the blog" week. So I hope all these lil items are keeping y'all entertained....they did me! ;-)
If you'd like to read a story about how I met my blog idol, Boondoogled, go here http://boondoggled.blogspot.com/2007/03/friends.html. Very very interesting, to say the least.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Ever Have One of These Days?
If you have had a day like this, Please seek help! ;-) OK???
Gratitude List:
1)Meeting new friends
2)Ice packs
3)Meeting the new puppy next door.
4)New books
5)The ability to search the internet for "stuff"
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Aches, Lunch, Sex

So we round the bend of Monday and made it to Tuesday.
Today...I'm having lunch today with fellow bloggers who are in NYC, Cranky Old Bastard and his nice wife, Misanthropster....(not their real names, their blogging names...which I'm sure you were able to figure out without me telling you...cause you guys are so smart!). I'll write a post about it tomorrow.....I hope.
"I don't know why I have lived this long," Chan Chi — one of Hong Kong's oldest people — was quoted as saying in the South China Morning Post during an annual feast for the city's elders.
"Maybe it has to do with the fact that I have lived a sex-less life for many years — since I was 30," said Chan, a widower whose youthful bride perished during the Japanese invasion in World War Two.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Happy Monkey Monday!

Sunday, March 04, 2007
Mishmash Sunday

Saturday, March 03, 2007
Friday, March 02, 2007

It's been a real fun week for me,
In spite that I've been monkey-free!
Green light days occurred all week,
And now it's time for Happy Feet!!!!
This mushroom walked into a dance club and asked this girl to dance.
She replied, "Are you kidding? You are a mushroom!!"
And the mushroom replied, "Oh come on. I am a FUN GUY!!"
What do you call a one legged dancer? Eileen
Now dance your way to the weekend!!!!